Mentor Evaluation Report

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Mentor Evaluation Report

Benchmarking success.

As previously mentioned, to effectively mentor a member of the chapter, you must be able to evaluate their growth. To effectively to do this, the mentor will need to assess the mentee’s growth based on his educational objectives, commitments, personal goals and benchmarks of his guidebook. These categories provide the substance for the Mentor Evaluation Report which can be found in the myPIKE Resource Center.

Following your weekly or monthly mentor/mentee meeting, depending on the mentee’s developmental phase, you will want to complete the Mentor Evaluation Report and give it to your mentee’s educator so that he can review the report and provide additional support to the member. The Mentor Evaluation Report will have you complete four subjective components that have to do with the mentee’s commitments, personal goals, benchmarks and the mentor’s evaluation of how the mentee is doing. Below it will outline how to complete each section on the report.

Mentee Commitments: How is your mentee doing with accomplishing his phase’s commitments? Assess your mentee on his progress with completing his commitments for the four areas of the True Pike, noting what he has accomplished, where he is progressing and where he is lacking.

Mentee Goals: How is your mentee doing with accomplishing his personal goals? Determine where he is at towards accomplishing his goals and provide notes.

Mentee Benchmarks: The mentee’s benchmarks are subjective and should be evaluated similarly. Note some of the information that he journals for his benchmarks and elaborate on how you feel about his journey through the True PIKE Experience at that point in time.


Mentee Subjective Evaluation: Write 2-3 sentence responses to the three questions about the mentee regarding fulfilling expectations as a member, comprehending the educational content and how things are going in your mentee’s personal life.

This is the final blog in the mentor blog series. Be sure that every mentor in your chapter checks out this 10-part series on being an effective PIKE mentor. Now, go be instrumental in mentoring our young men so that they can become the future leaders of the world!

To learn more about the Pi Kappa Alpha mentor program, be sure to look at the mentor program handbook and its accompanying resources located in the myPIKE Resource Center (myPIKE > Resource Center > Pi Kappa Alpha folder > Chapter Officer Resources folder > VP of Membership Development folder > Mentor Program folder).

By |2020-12-04T17:07:48-06:00December 4, 2020|VP of Membership Development|0 Comments

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