PIKE U Scholarships

The PIKE U Scholarship Program is a vital component of PIKE U. The scholarship program provides direct support for Pi Kappa Alpha chapters and provisional chapters to encourage participation in PIKE U events.

Each chapter and provisional chapter has a scholarship account to help offset registration costs for PIKE U events (Leadership Summits, The Academy, Chapter Executive Conference, and Convention).

PIKE U Scholarship Funds

The following funds are available to assist your chapter in bringing brothers to Pike University events such as Chapter Executives Conference, Leadership Summits, Convention, and The Academy.

Claiming Scholarships

Contact the PIKE University team at pikeuniversity@pikes.org for more information.

How to Earn Scholarships & Build your Chapter Endowment Fund

There are three ways to earn and build funds in your scholarship account to attend PIKE U events:

Attend PIKE U Events

Chapters that meet the minimum attendance levels set for each PIKE U event will earn $1,000 in their PIKE U scholarship fund on July 1 of each year. The attendance level set per the Fraternity Standards are as follows:

  • (3) Three to The Leadership Academy
  • (5) Five to a Regional Leadership Summit
  • (3) Three to the Chapter Executives Conference

Build Chapter Endowment Fund

The PIKE Foundation maintains an endowment account for each chapter. After an account reaches $10,000 in donations, members of that chapter may receive an annual grant to their scholarship account, based on a percentage of the account balance to attend Pike U events. Note: An endowment is a fixed amount of money that earns interest and provides a distribution from the interest earned. The corpus will grow over time with contributions and positive market returns resulting in a larger distribution amount, but the distribution is a percentage of the corpus.

There are three ways to grow your chapter’s endowment fund:

  1. Ask all student members to join φφκα.
  2. Encourage alumni to make a designated tax-deductible gift to the PIKE Foundation for your Chapter Endowment Fund.
  3. Encourage parents and grandparents to make a designated tax-deductible gift to the PIKE Foundation for your Chapter Endowment Fund.

Earn International Awards

Many of the International Awards include merit-based PIKE U scholarship money. NOTE: Scholarship Amounts are subject to change.

  • Smythe Award – $250
  • Orians Excellence Award – $100
  • Harvey T. Newell Award – $100
  • Overall Best Health & Safety Award – $1,500
  • Most Improved Health & Safety Award – $1,500

Recruitment Incentive

Chapters that meet the criteria for the annual recruitment incentives may earn additional PIKE U scholarship funds. Please contact the Director of Membership Growth for more information.