Implementing the True PIKE Experience

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Implementing the True PIKE Experience

Put our values to work.

Congratulations on implementing the True PIKE Experience (TPE)! The TPE is a program that dynamically changes the way your chapter’s membership is educated and developed, which will put each member and the chapter in a position to succeed. The TPE is meant to help each member become the man he wants to be. This program incorporates the skills, experiences and people that will develop our undergraduates in two ways – True PIKE Education and True PIKE Involvement.





To get started with the implementation process it is important that components of the program be incorporated into the chapter’s bylaws. To do so, follow these steps:



  1. These changes you hope to incorporate into your bylaws will need to be brought up during new business of chapter and tabled for one week until the next chapter meeting when it can be brought back up during old business. Unless your bylaws specify otherwise, it will need to receive 2/3 approval of the chapter to be adopted into the bylaws.
  2. Outline the roles & responsibilities (primary expectations) of the member development cabinet positions in the chapter’s bylaws. The goal is to be as specific as possible in determining the responsibilities of the individuals in the member development cabinet, so utilize the position handbooks to help guide the incorporating of this area of the bylaws.
  3. Identify how the VP of Membership Development and the member development cabinet will assume their roles. It is recommended that the VP of Membership Development is appointed by the Chapter President, just like the Recruitment Chairman, and the VP of Membership Development appoints his member development cabinet.
  4. Identify the term length for the VP of Membership Development and his member development cabinet. It is recommended that the VP of Membership Development serves a year term like the rest of the executive council, with the term being a calendar year (Jan. – Dec.). Ideally the member development cabinet serves a similar term.
  5. Similar to how your chapter has set minimum expectations in your membership contract and bylaws around chapter meeting attendance, paying dues, maintaining a certain GPA, community service hours, campus involvement requirements, etc., you will want to outline minimum expectations around attendance for TPE sessions for each progression phase. For example, ideally each educator in the member development cabinet is slating all eight sessions in a semester for the progression phase they are responsible for. In the bylaws and membership contract, it might say that at a minimum, members need to attend 4/8 sessions each semester in their respective developmental phase of the program. This sets the stage for ensuring that members understand that the chapter wants to them grow personally, and that members are taking advantage of the opportunity for personal growth and development through the TPE.




Now that you have components of the TPE incorporated into your chapter bylaws, it’s time to identify the member development cabinet. Considering individuals who compose the member development cabinet will have plenty of face-to-face time with your membership, you want the best of the best leading your member development program. Here are a few things to consider when choosing your team:



  1. Charismatic – First and foremost, you want individuals to compose the member development cabinet who are charismatic. By being charismatic, they will innately draw members attention.
  2. Fundamental Public Speaking, Presenting, and Facilitation Skills – Try to identify members who can command a room. A huge aspect of the member development cabinet’s role is presenting, and either facilitating discussion or activities. Ideally your member development cabinet has these “soft” skills, but if not, no worries. There is a resource titled the “TPE Educator Toolbox” that will help coach your members on how to speak, present, and facilitate.
  3. Identify Education Majors – Try to identify individuals in your chapter that are education majors, or similar. True PIKE Education is an exact mirror of what they will do in their careers and provides a great training ground for teaching.
  4. Passionate about Member Development – If all else fails, just find anyone you believe is passionate about this idea of member development and truly wants to see their brothers excel as an undergraduate member of PIKE and succeed in life after college.


Once you have identified the individuals best suited to lead your program, you will then assign them each a position within the member development cabinet as you have outlined in your chapter bylaws in step 1 above. The typical member development cabinet consists of 6 positions, including: Vice President of Membership Development, New Member Educator, Brother Leader Educator, Fraternity Leader Educator, Community Leader Educator, and a Chapter Speakers/Events Coordinator.





Once you’ve identified your member development cabinet with the best and brightest in your chapter, you begin the planning process. Planning is going to be an integral step for your team. Here they will lay out the educational content calendar for each phase of the TPE and the member development budget, as well as the tools, technology or other resources that they will need to successfully execute their roles effectively.


  • The Educational Content Calendar – At the beginning when you are getting the program off the ground, planning the educational content calendar is essential. Each educator in the member development cabinet should identify a date, time, and location (if not at the chapter house) for their respective developmental sessions. Use the Educational Content Calendar resource in the myPIKE Resource Center to help your team plan. (Pro Tip: Plan developmental sessions around chapter meeting! It makes things a lot easier.)
  • Budget – As far as your budget is concerned, a majority of what you will need to budget for can be found in the Resources section below.

Here is a list of items that you will want to budget for each term:


  • PIKE University Leadership Summits – At minimum your chapter should send at least 10 members to your regional leadership summit. The educational development that goes on at PIKE University events complement and go far beyond the True PIKE Experience.
  • Garnet & Gold Manuals – For each new member class that your chapter recruits
  • New Member Pins – For each new member class that your chapter recruits
  • Initiate Badges – For each new initiate during the initiatory ceremony
  • Educational Materials/Supplies – In order to make developmental sessions engaging you will want to have supplies such as flip-charts, markers, Post-It notes, printed out supplemental material, etc.

Here is a list of items that you want to budget for on basis in which you need them:


  • Presentation Clicker(s) – To help each facilitator facilitate his sessions, while being able to work the room. These only need to be purchased once. I’d recommend purchasing two at the outset.
  • Batteries – For the clickers.
  • Projector & Screen – Your chapter might already have one of these, but if you can’t use classrooms on campus it may be necessary to invest in a projector and screen.
  • Resources – Below are a list of tools and technology resources that the member development cabinet will need and that will make life a lot easier for them in their roles:
    • Clicker – This allows you to transition through a slide deck while maintaining your stance or facilitating in various areas of the room.
    • Flip-Chart & Easel and/or Whiteboard & Markers – To utilize during the course of discussions/activities.
    • Laptop, Projector, and Screen – To visually present your content.
    • Notecards/Post-It Notes – For activities with participants.
    • Facilitator Guides – Use these as an aide for you as the presenter/facilitator to keep you on track for the session, whether it is timing, directions for an activity, or driving home key points of the lesson. The facilitator guide should be an aide and not a crutch.




Once the plan is set you should prepare for the roles. Considering a majority of the work by the member development cabinet will happen during each of the educator’s sessions, their preparation should revolve around public speaking, presenting and facilitating. To help your team prepare, resources have been created to advance their public speaking, presenting and facilitating skills via the myPIKE Resource Center.


  • TPE Educator Toolbox – This is a complete document that intricately walks through how education occurs, and prepares them to be dynamic public speakers, presenters, and facilitators. A high priority to put in the hands of your member development cabinet.
  • Training the Trainers – The “Train the Trainers” resource is made up of a slide deck and facilitator guide and is set up similarly to the “TPE Educator Toolbox.” This piece is meant to be facilitated by your education advisor, but if you do not have one, that is okay, just make sure that you as the VP of Membership Development facilitate this for your team.
  • Practice Sessions – Practice makes perfect! In both the “TPE Educator Toolbox” and the “Train the Trainers” resources, it outlines ways for your team to practice. Be sure your team practices, and practices often.




Now that you have planned and prepared you simply need to execute. Execution is all on you now. Take initiative, be the best in your role and go out and develop True Pikes!



For more information on the TPE, check out the complete resource library available through the myPIKE Resource Center. If you need help locating the myPIKE Resource Center watch the video tutorial here.

By |2020-12-08T19:23:14-06:00December 8, 2020|President, VP of Membership Development|0 Comments

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