Campaign Volunteer Toolkit

Donor List

Listing of donors to the Courage To Be More Campaign through 12/10/2024. This can be shared with donors you are soliciting to show them where their peers are located on the Gift Chart.  

Gift chart

Lists the number of donations secured at each level in the Gift Chart. This can be shared with donors so they can see the sizes of the other gifts we’ve received and our path towards $30M. 

Case for support

This capital campaign brochure can be emailed to donors in advance of meetings. You’ll also receive printed copies that you can mail to Donors in advance of meetings or you can bring with you to the meeting. 


Supplemental information about the Campaign initiatives if the donor wants to see more details on our plans. Most of the time, these aren’t needed, but you’ll have copies that you can pull out to give to the Donor in the meeting or you can email them a digital copy as a follow up if they request it.  


The Campaign Proposal can be customized with a specific ask and delivered to the donor during the meeting. Once terms of the Pledge are agreed upon, they should be added to the Campaign Pledge Form and signed (in person or digitally) by the donor to confirm the terms. When the donor commits to a planned gift, the Oak Trust Statement of Intent should be shared with the donor to receive additional documentation and a copy of the changes to their will, trust, life insurance, etc. Should be shared with the Foundation as well. This sometimes takes time, so its OK to confirm the pledge details first and inform the donor that Foundation Staff will follow up with them to collect the documentation of their planned gift.