As an undergraduate member, Kyle O’Rourke (Towson, Lambda Omega ’13) served his chapter as external vice president, fundraising chairman, public relations chairman, and president. In 2018, he joined the volunteer ranks, and he currently serves as Lambda Omega’s chapter advisor.

Serving as the chapter advisor for our Lambda Omega Chapter alongside the chapter’s other 8 alumni advisors has been a great experience with challenges, trials, and, at the end of the day, many successes. It’s a credit to everyone involved from the new members, initiated members, executive leadership, Towson University FSL staff, and the International Fraternity that make this entire process work. And we, Lambda Omega’s Alumni Advisory Board, are happy to play our role in this organization — helping brothers in the chapter gain experience, learn new processes, and, ultimately, see the long term value of Pi Kappa Alpha beyond their undergraduate time.

The undergraduates are at Towson University to learn and receive an education, and we know that through PIKE, they are learning knowledge and skills that can’t be taught in a classroom. Being the advisors and facilitating that growth, both in meetings and through conversations, is important. As a board, we focus on creating and maintaining a team mentality and letting the undergraduate members know it’s okay not have all of the answers. Of course, the idea is that over time and through trials, everyone begins to succeed at a higher level and new ideas can be passed down in the chapter.

Our advisors, from both Lambda Omega and other chapters, range from as young as 24 to mid-40s, and their loyalty to the undergraduate chapter demonstrates to the younger members that the Fraternity isn’t just an undergraduate commitment. It’s a resource and a connection that you maintain for your entire life. Our board members volunteer to pay back their own PIKE experience.

Are you looking to give back to the Fraternity? Learn more about joining the volunteer ranks. Is there a volunteer who has made a positive impact on your Fraternity experience? Thank them here.