Zach Freeman (Clemson, Eta Alpha ’22) is the February 2025 Pike of the Month. The Fayetteville, Arkansas, native is a junior pursuing a double major in marketing and management. On campus, Freeman serves on the executive board for Order of Omega. He recently completed his term as treasurer for Eta Alpha Chapter. He is also involved with the IPTAY Student Advisory Board where he helps bridge the gap between student-athletes and undergraduates. Additionally he serves as a College of Business Recruitment Ambassadors, and is actively involved in IFC initiatives. Freeman is passionate about his involvement with Clemson LIFE to promote inclusivity and engagement within the Greek community.
While reflecting on his PIKE journey, he shared the following:
“My PIKE journey began the moment I accepted my bid. I came to Clemson without ever stepping foot on campus and not knowing a single person, but PIKE quickly gave me 130 of my best friends. I am forever grateful for the friendships, experiences, and personal growth that have come from being part of this chapter. PIKE has given me a family of incredible young men who have shaped my college experience, and the memories we’ve made together will stay with me long after my time at Clemson.”
When asked what advice he would give to a new Pike that just accepted a bid, Freeman shared some simple advice:
“I would say get plugged in to your chapter. The more you invest in something, the more you understand it and grow to love it. I’ve been incredibly blessed to serve PIKE and Clemson in so many ways, and that experience has only deepened my love for both. With service comes growth, and I truly credit PIKE for shaping me, not just as a leader, but as the man I am today.”