Matthew Boudy Recognized as Pike of The Month

MEMPHIS, TN – Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity is pleased to announce Matthew Boudy (Idaho, Zeta Mu ‘19) as the November 2020 Pike of the Month. Pike of the Month award recipients demonstrate the True Pike ideals, working to improve themselves and having a positive impact on their chapters, campuses, and communities.

Boudy, a senior at the University of Idaho, was nominated for demonstrating superior leadership in his chapter, on campus, and in the community.

Boudy has held multiple positions within Zeta Mu Chapter, including president, recruitment chairman, and health and safety officer. During his time as recruitment chairman, he led the chapter through a successful recruitment season despite challenges presented by the pandemic.

On campus, he is the captain and president of the men’s lacrosse team. He also serves as president of the university’s sports club.

Boudy previously served as head of a university research team. He currently works as a note taker for the Center for Disability Access and Resources. He has maintained a presence on the Dean’s List.

Boudy will graduate with degrees in computer science engineering and geography. Following graduation, he plans to attend graduate school.

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