MEMPHIS, TN – Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity is pleased to announce Heath Skroch (New Mexico, Beta Delta ‘18) as the October 2020 Pike of the Month. Pike of the Month award recipients demonstrate the True Pike ideals, working to improve themselves and having a positive impact on their chapters, campuses, and communities.

Skroch, a junior at the University of New Mexico, was nominated for demonstrating superior leadership in his chapter, on campus, and in the community.

Skorch has served Beta Delta Chapter as president and sergeant-at-arms. During the fall semester, he was instrumental in organizing virtual philanthropy events to comply with CDC and campus guidelines. Under his leadership, the chapter hosted a successful virtual canned food drive as well as a Halloween costume competition benefitting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

On campus, Skroch is the executive director of Lobo Spirit, an organization that plans campus events. He maintains a 3.8 GPA, and is the recipient of the IFC Masonic Scholarship.

Skroch will graduate with degrees in economics and history. Following graduation, he plans to attend law school.

For more information about the Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity, please visit

Nominate a brother for Pike of the Month here.
