Academic Scholarships

The PIKE Foundation offers international scholarships to qualifying Pike undergraduate and graduate students. For a complete listing of International Scholarships, click here.

International Scholarships

R. Craig Hoenshell Honor Society Endowment

Awarded year-round to PIKE students to help off-set the cost of membership dues into international honor societies, including Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Order of Omega and Sabre & Key Honor Society. Candidates should send verification of membership (initiation certificate, membership dues or letter from faculty) into any of the noted honor societies, other than Sabre & Key, within one year of induction date. Forward information to Development Operations Officer at

Apply online.

William M. McKissack Scholarship

Annually awarded to an outstanding Pike undergraduate of an active Alabama chapter who resides in Madison County, Alabama. Due February.

Apply online.

Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD, Medical School Memorial Scholarship

A $5,000 scholarship awarded annually to an outstanding Pike undergraduate or graduate student who is pursuing a degree in medicine; due April 30.

Apply online.

Robert D. Lynn Memorial Scholarship

Annually awarded to a Pike undergraduate who demonstrates outstanding inter-fraternal leadership on campus; due April 30.

Apply online.

Simon A. Simon Memorial Scholarship

Annually awarded to a Pike undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in Theological Seminary; due April 30.

Apply online.

John “Jack” Lux Scholarship

Annually awarded to an outstanding Pike undergraduate majoring in accounting or finance; due April 30.

Apply online.

Dulcey American-European Study Abroad Scholarship

The inaugural award of $1,250 is available to one child (male or female) of a Pi Kappa Alpha alumnus who permanently resides in the United States or Europe and plans to study on the opposite continent in the fall of 2023. Current undergraduate and graduate members of Pi Kappa Alpha are also encouraged to apply; due April 30.

Apply online.

Tommy Turner Lone Star Outstanding Undergraduate Award

Annually awarded to the top Pike undergraduate member in the Lone Star Region at the G. Brint Ryan Dallas Leadership Summit.; due January.

Apply online.

Pi Kappa Alpha National Valor Award

The Pi Kappa Alpha National Valor Award is designed recognize and honor Pi Kappa Alpha’s outstanding undergraduate leaders who selflessly volunteer to serve in the armed forces through active duty, or currently serve in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), National Guard and/or military reserve; due April 30.

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Dr. O. Nelson DeCamp Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Annually awarded to a Pike undergraduate who demonstrates financial needs; due April 30.

Apply online.

Robertson Most Outstanding Undergraduate Award

Each chapter may nominate at least one graduating senior for the Robertson Most Outstanding Undergraduate Award.
Nominees must be graduating seniors (Winter, Spring or Summer) enrolled full-time in good standing with the university/college and the chapter and must have demonstrated exemplary scholastic achievement and leadership skills in the chapter and in campus and community activities; due April 30.

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Joseph Pavelka Scholarship Application

Annually awarded to an outstanding Pike undergraduate completing an internship in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area; due April 30.

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Providing PIKE University Tuition

Robert N. Cox Legacy Leadership Award

Annually awarded to an outstanding treasurer from the Heartland Region and Iota Mu Chapter (Southern Illinois) to provide tuition assistance for the Chapter Executives Conference; due December 1.

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Kris White Scholarship

Annually awards PIKE University tuition assistance to students attending the Treasurer Track at the Chapter Executives Conference in Memphis, Tennessee each January; due December 1.

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Arkoma Region Endowment Scholarship

Provides PIKE University tuition assistance to a chapter/provisional chapter from the Arkoma Region (Arkansas & Oklahoma).

Other Foundation Distinctions

Beyond Brotherhood Award

Annually awarded in honor of Timothy Ryan Okonek (Indiana, Delta Xi ’19). Tim tragically lost his life in 2022, this award recognizes a chapter(s) that participates in dry social events. Additional encouragement will be made for chapters to also participate in reduced alcohol consumption periods (e.g., “dry or damp January”, “sober October” ).

Corah House of the Year Award

Annually awarded to the Chapter House of the Year Award recipient.

Garth C. Grissom Endowed Award

Annually awarded to the International Fraternity’s Scholarship Cup recipient.

James R. Favor Scholarship

Annually awarded to the International Fraternity’s Health and Safety Award recipients.