Chapter Officer Organizational Chart

Each chapter has 10 executive positions supported by 16 different committees. Coupled with campus involvement, PIKE chapters add experience to your education.

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Note: Additional tactics, information sheets, and files such as position-specific handbooks are available through the myPIKE portal under Resource Center > Pi Kappa Alpha > Chapter Officer Resources.



As the chief executive of the chapter, the president will spend most of his time and energies working toward accomplishing the chapter’s strategic goals. He will also serve as the primary chapter representative to the chapter’s alumni advisory board and university student affairs personnel.

Internal Vice President

The internal vice president is usually charged with guiding the internal cabinet and committee chairmen.

Alumni Relations Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Increase communication with alumni
  • Host successful alumni events
  • Offer opportunities for chapter and alumni interaction


Sample Goals:

  • Uncover and protect records of the chapter’s history.
  • Record contemporary activities for historical archives.

Brotherhood Chairman

The brotherhood chairman is the primary coordinator of events that are meant to build camaraderie and social interaction amongst chapter members.

Scholarship Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Encourage scholastic achievement
  • Improve the chapter’s overall grade point average


The secretary is usually responsible for maintaining the chapter’s roster and bylaws. The secretary is expected to report new members, initiations, and alumnus status to the Fraternity through OmegaFi Vault. The secretary will also submit Chapter Notes to the Shield & Diamond by the appropriate deadlines.


The Sergeant-at-Arms typically chairs the chapter’s judicial board and serves an important role during the use of the Fraternity’s Ritual.

Judicial Board

The Sergeant-at-Arms will usually chair the meetings of the judicial committee as necessary. The judicial committee typically has the role of censuring, suspending or fining members for their failure to uphold chapter policies or expectations. The committee could also recommend the expulsion of a member, which would require a chapter vote. The decisions of the judicial committee are typically subject to review and/or modification by the executive council. The judicial committee typically has at least four members, not including the Sergeant-at-Arms.


The treasurer is the chief financial officer of the chapter and is usually responsible for the overall financial health and stability of the chapter, allocating the resources necessary to accomplish the organization’s goals. In addition to being a member of the executive council, he will chair the chapter’s finance committee. The treasurer is also in charge of paying all assessments to the International Fraternity.

Financial Committee

The treasurer chairs the finance committee which usually contains three other members with roles such as:

Receivables Chairman: Discusses financial obligations with all prospective members; collects membership contracts and, with the house manager, collects all housing contracts; coordinates collection efforts with third-party service providers (e.g. university billing department or companies such as Omega Financial, Inc.) if applicable.

Payables Chairman: Balances the chapter’s checkbook; ensures that all checks require dual signatures (typically president and treasurer); reimburses committee chairmen for approved expenses.

Reports Chairman: Develops and distributes the monthly financial reports to members, officers, and committee chairmen.

The treasurer, assisted by the finance committee, typically leads the chapter in the development of its budget. That process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of chapter goal setting retreat.
  2. Solicitation of budget requests from officers and chairmen.
  3. Development of draft budgets (separate budgets for operations, housing, and kitchen), taking into account the priorities established during the goal setting retreat.
  4. Presentation of draft budgets to the executive council for discussion and revision if necessary.
  5. Presentation of draft budgets to the chapter for ratification, emphasizing consistency with goal setting retreat.

Recruitment Chairman

The Recruitment Chairman leads the effort to recruit new members and coordinate the work of the recruitment committee (or rush captains) on an active and year-round basis.

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Chairman is generally charged with recruiting new members and coordinating the work of the recruitment committee (or rush captains) on an active and year-round basis.

Housing Officer

The Housing Officer is responsible for overseeing the comprehensive management and maintenance of the chapter house, ensuring a high-quality living environment for its tenants. This role includes budget management, policy enforcement, coordination of routine maintenance, and serving as the primary liaison between the chapter and the Housing Corporation.

Housing Committee

The Housing Committee should work with housing officer to prepare all chapter house rules and regulations and the duties of the house committee should be thoroughly explained to the membership.

Health & Safety

The health & safety officer is responsible for the management and execution of all health & safety programming, policies, and education within the chapter. He is typically tasked with maintaining and instructing members on the chapter’s written Health & Safety Program and Crisis Management Plan, overseeing event management, and leading the health & safety committee.

The health & safety officer should host and promote programming on topics such as event management, sexual violence prevention, responsible use of drugs and alcohol, hazing prevention, mental health support, diversity, equity, & inclusion, and crisis response procedures.

Membership Development VP

As the Membership Development Vice President, you are the primary organizer and overseer of the comprehensive membership development program curriculum, involvement tracking, and forming the education cabinet within your chapter.

New Member Educator

The new member educator is the primary organizer and educator of the new member education curriculum, chapter involvement, and onboarding new members within the chapter. Additionally, the new member educator is responsible for onboarding new members with the Fraternity and its processes. The new member educator should be chosen wisely by his peers or the executive council/board considering that he is in charge of the chapter’s new member’s first phase of development in the chapter and this will set the tone for the future. As mentioned, the new member educator should be competent in all chapter processes, aware of health & safety requirements, and educational curriculum. When choosing a new member educator, consider an older, well respected chapter member, who is passionate about member development, or is an education major, and can public speak/facilitate.

Brother Leader Educator

The brother leader educator is the primary organizer and educator of the brother leader education curriculum and involvement within the chapter. When choosing a brother leader educator, consider an older, well respected chapter member who has gone through the program, or a member in the same development category who is passionate about member development, or is an education major, and can public speak/facilitate.

Fraternity Leader Educator

The fraternity leader educator is the primary organizer and educator of the fraternity leader education curriculum and involvement within the chapter. When choosing a fraternity leader educator, consider an older, well-respected chapter member who has gone through the program, or a member in the same development category who is passionate about member development, or is an education major, and can public speak/facilitate.

Community Leader Educator

The community leader educator is the primary organizer and educator of the community leader education curriculum and involvement within the chapter. When choosing a community leader educator, consider an older, well respected chapter member, or a member in the same development category who is passionate about member development, or is an education major, and can public speak/facilitate. Additionally, alumnus members should be asked to facilitate these educational discussions with the community leaders.

Chapter Events / Speaker Coordinator

The chapter events / speakers coordinator is the primary organizer of chapter-wide continuing education events and facilitator of guest speakers. This should be a member who is organized and can schedule events/speakers in a timely manner.

External VP

The external vice president is usually charged with guiding the external cabinet and committee chairman.

Athletics Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Win the all-campus intramural trophy
  • Win the all-fraternity intramural trophy

Community Service Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Increase chapter community service participation

Campus Involvement Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Increase member participation and leadership in campus organizations
  • Increase chapter representation in prestigious campus organizations

Social Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Become the socially preferred fraternity on campus
  • Host fun, safe, and unique social events

Public Relations Chairman

Sample Goal:

  • Promote a positive chapter image to external constituents

Special Events Chairman

Sample Goals:

  • Host a campus speaker
  • Plan a Founder’s Day event
  • Host a Parent’s Weekend

Chapter Advisor / AAB Chairman

Sample Roles:

  • Serve as a resource to the chapter president and mentor to chapter members
  • Maintain regular communication with regional president
  • Provide general assistance and guidance for chapter programs and operations
  • Attend weekly chapter meetings on a regular basis (or as necessary)
  • Serve as a liaison to the university, alumni association, and house corporation
  • Assist in the development of the officer transition retreat
  • Provide suggestions and input at executive council meetings
  • Monitor chapter’s progress towards becoming an Excellence Chapter

Advisory Board Chairman

Sample Roles:

  • Help establish vision, mission, and expectations of the board
  • Serve as a liaison to the alumni advisory board, coordinating proper communication between the advisory board and chapter executives
  • Facilitate semesterly goal setting and monitor progress of board as it correlates to the Chapter Specific Strategic Plan
  • Organize and lead quarterly meetings of the Advisory Board
  • Communicate regularly with members of the Advisory Board via phone and email.

Operations Advisor

Sample Roles:

  • Serve as a resource to the internal and external vice presidents
  • Assist the vice presidents with management and goal setting for their respective committees
  • Attend a committee meeting on a monthly basis
  • Present to the chapter on management skills and best practices
  • Assist in the development of the semesterly chapter goal setting retreat

Financial Advisor

Sample Roles:

  • Assist the treasurer in developing the chapter budget and financial reports
  • Meet with the financial committee on a monthly basis
  • Work consistently with the treasurer to improve the chapte’s culture of financial accountability
  • Ensure the chapter satisfies all requirements of the university, alumni, and International Fraternity financial assessments, reports, fees, and deadlines
  • Present to the chapter on financial best practices
  • Identify a local accountant to assist in the annual audit
  • Assist with the establishment and maintenance of the Chapter’s Endowment Fund through the Educational Foundation

Recruitment Advisor

Same Roles:

  • Assist the Recruitment Chairmen in developing the chapter’s written recruitment strategy
  • Help develop a philosophy and strategy for year-round recruitment
  • Meet with the recruitment team on a monthly basis
  • Assist in the development of the semesterly chapter recruitment retreat
  • Provide comments and insights during the chapter recruitment retreat
  • Provide alumni input and recruit alumni support for chapter recruitment activities

Education Advisor

Sample Roles:

  • Assist the new member educator in developing the annual review of the new member education process
  • Be a sounding board for the development of the 8-week, written new member education program
  • Assist the new member educator to find local/campus speakers for new member education program
  • Assist the continuing educator in developing a written member education program
  • Assist the continuing educator in developing a local speakers program
  • Have a working knowledge of the Ritual, help facilitate Ritual execution and education

Health & Safety Advisor

Sample Roles:

  • Help to develop a crisis management plan and educate the membership on its implementation and update annually
  • Assist in the presentation of the chapter’s health and safety policies and procedures
  • Assist the chapter in facilitating an understanding and execution of the Fraternity’s ‘Standards’
  • Assist in sourcing speakers to present on risk awareness issues
  • Serve as liaison to the house corporation
  • Maintain a working relationship with police, fire inspectors, and health inspectors

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